Saturday, June 23, 2012

Every Girl Needs Girlfriends... and Pedicure

Bill looked at my pedicure date on the calendar and chuckled. "What?" I asked, ready for him to make a comment about feet or stranger touching my feet. "Nothing. I find it cute that you went and got yourself a group of girlfriends," he said in the sweetest tone of voice. "Huh? What d'you mean?" (my brain's kind of slow these days) Bill smiled in a very 'teacherly' manner -- you know, in a "I figured you might ask me, and I have an explanation for you" kind of way -- and said, "For as long as I've known you, you've always had more guy friends and talked about how much you wished you had a group of girlfriends to hang out with. We moved back here and look at you now, going for a pedicure with one of your girlfriends. It's cute."

I told my girlfriend C about what Bill said, and she laughed, "That's what MY husband said about me too!" "No way!" I shrieked like a teenage girl, "How funny?! So I used to be the chick that drank like a fish and swore like a truck driver with the guys. How 'bout you?" With her eyes closed, C nodded like one of those bobble head dogs on the dashboard of a bouncing car. My heart was filled with glee and my voice went up an octave, "Yay! We're both the alcoholic truck driver type. We're gonna be BFFs!!"

Turned out, each one of the 6 girls in this group of girlfriends I have used to be seen and treated as "one of the guys", and look at us now. We share parenting tips, do kids' birthdays, help deal with illnesses, and support each other both in our professional and personal lives.

I'm so glad I have a group of girlfriends at this stage of my life. No offense to my guy friends. I just don't see how they'll be able to support me through motherhood.

Having girlfriends is like getting a pedicure -- it gets rid of the rough outer layer and helps reveal the soft and smooth side of me.

Oh, and it makes me feel all girly and pretty too.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's shedding a layer, it's just a new stage of life. We choose our friends.. when we're younger and just becoming mom's and adults, we are friends with people we relate with. Why would you WANT to be friends with moms if you're not one and you have nothing in common? I have mostly friends but as I mature I'm developing more and more female friendships. :) it's just what happens when ya have babies!