Saturday, February 16, 2013

Love is All It Matters

A whole back, I was concerned about the way Kai talked to one of the kids at the daycare. Since that child is a bit developmentally behind his peers, Kai didn't seem to want to have anything to do with him. He'd say things like, "You can't play with us because we're the big kids" or "Don't come over here" or "I don't want to play with (the child's name) because he hits". Bill and I thought about talking with Kai about kids that seemed "different", but we wanted to chat with the teachers first to see if (1) that child is different, and (2) they too had noticed Kai being rude to the child.


One of Kai's teachers also noticed Kai's impatience toward that child; however, she wasn't sure if it was anything personal. "Kai's a very smart kid, and he picks things up very fast." the teacher told me. "I've noticed he gets impatient even with me if I'm not paying attention to him or getting what he wants fast enough. We've been working on that with him."


And so have we, at home. We ask Kai how his day is every day we go to pick him up. We bring up that particular kid's name and ask if Kai plays with him that day. We reemphasize the fact that all the kids at the daycare are his friends and he has to be nice to them all. We teach Kai the proper way to interrupt someone and to wait for his turn.


Yesterday Kai brought a whole bag of Valentines home, and we also got a love note from a teacher. She called it "Lovely Ways":


"Kai was playing a game at my circle time when the children were giving hearts to the one they loved. He gave his to (the kid's name) :) and later (the kid's name) gave his to Kai!! All is good, all is well as long as there is love. It all happened on its own."



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