Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Amazing Things Our 2-year-old Says

The little bossy boss
1. The morning after Steve Jobs' death, I was reading all about him on the Internet. Kai said, "No [com]puter, Mommy. Kaikai ready to school!"

2. At the dinner table, a piece of food was too big for him to eat. One time he said, "Mommy cut it!" Another time he shouted, "Get a knife!"

In the shower, Kai said, "Tell Daddy put the goggles on Kaikai."

Kai's really into making animals sounds now:
"Ryan (Lion) roar. Big ryan, ROAR!!!!! Little ryan, (whisper) roar."

Me: "What sound does a penguin make, Kai?"
Kai, "Penguin... what you doin'?

Kai, "Rhinoceros make?" (What sound does a rhinoceros make?"
Me, "I don't know. Maybe.... ploof ploof ploof?"
Kai, "Nah~~~ rhinoceroses snuff." (This kid tricked me because he has a book that says "rhinoceroses snort and stuff, and little dogs go ruff")

Kai was running around being rambunctious. He stopped right in front of me with the biggest grin on his face and sparkles in his eyes.
He said, "Kaikai crazy!"
I laughed, "You are! Do you like being crazy?"
He answered, "Yup" and ran away giggling like mad.

This is what Kai says when he wants his Daddy to play cars with him:
Kai, "Daddy play cars!"
Then he gets a car and hands it to Bill, "Here you go, Daddy."

Kai, "What Daddy name?"
Bill, "Daddy's name's Bill."
Kai, "Bill. What Mommy name?"
Bill, "Kate."
Kai, "Mommy name Kate."
Bill, "What's your name?"
Kai, "Name Kai."

Kai's teacher told me this:
When Kai woke up from his nap this afternoon, he walked out of the nap room and announced, "Kaikai all done sleeping!"

When Kai woke up in the morning, he was kind of moaning and grunting. I asked, "What's the matter, Kai?" He said, "Kaikai cranky.".

Kai grabbed the house phone from the cradle, brought it to me and said, "Kaikai want call Daddy."

At the end of a meal,
Kai, "All done!"
Me, "What do you say when you're done?"
Kai, "Can I... May I... be [ex]cused?"

Kai, "Kaikai want some milk."
Me, "Can you ask nicely?"
Kai, "Can I... want some milk?"
Me, "... and?"
Kai, "Please?"

In the bath, Bill let the water out so he could rinse the bubble off.
Kai, "Little bit cold."
Bill, "Is it a little bit cold now that the water's gone?"
Kai, "Daddy turn the water on. Kaikai a little bit cold."

We took out Kai's winter hats from last year. I said, "Let's try this one on." Tried it on and it was a bit too tight. Kai said, "Nah~~~ doesn't fit." ("Nah~~~" is one of his favorite words these days. That, and "Nope.")

Kai's pretend play:

1. McQueen and Mater came face to face on the couch. McQueen says, "Excuse me, Mater." Then Mater gets out of the way for McQueen to continue driving on the couch.

2. A police car bumped an orange car head-on. The orange truck says, "Be nice, police car." The police car replied, "Okay."

3. Kai was playing with some blocks. He says (to himself), "This is helcoter (helicopter)? Nah~~"

-- hard to believe he just turned 2 last month....