Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Nine-Thirty Play Time

Nobody's getting enough quality sleep in this house lately. Kai fights with his father every night at bedtime, and he wakes up almost every 2-3 hours throughout the night. Wei goes to bed at 7, but then she gets up around 9:30 all ready to have fun. We tried to rationalize this behavior as if giving it a reason would lessen the annoyance. It's her cold. It's her teeth. It's her bowels. We've also come to suspect perhaps this little girl knows if she wakes up after her brother has gone to sleep, she'll get both parents and ALL of the toys to herself!! No big brother prying her fingers off of his cars or yanking the plastic bus right out of her hands. She gets to play with daddy without having her big brother shoving himself between them to compete for attention. Mommy has time to hold her hands so she gets to 'walk' around the house, as opposed to running off to the kitchen or basement every so often. Can an 8-month-old develop a preference for late-night playing because she's figured all this out? She's way too young for that, right? ....... or... is she?



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