Sunday, November 18, 2012

Potty Training and Potty Mouth

It just happened all of a sudden. Okay, it didn't happen "all of a sudden" per se 'cause we've been working on it for about 2 weeks now. At first, Kai's daycare teachers 'suggested' that we start trying to put him in big boy underpants. "We think he's ready now, so... yeah, buy him some big boy underpants and let's see what happens" one teacher said to me when I went to pick up Kai one evening.


All excited, I went to Zellers the next day to get Kai some... what else? Lightning McQueen underpants (ta-da~~)!! While some kids go to the bathroom on their own because they know they can get a treat afterwards, Kai was eager to do it because he got to tell all the other Cars fans at school that he had Lightning McQueen on his butt.


I don't think Bill and I fully realized the aptitude and significance at first as we embarked on Kai's great journey to total independence. We were too caught up in being vigilant and helpful ("Do you have to pee, Kai?" "Remember to tell mommy or daddy as soon as you feel like you have to pee, okay?"). Despite our enthusiasm and encouragement, Kai didn't seem to be interested in using his potty at all when he was home. We kept suggesting that he go to the bathroom to try, and he kept refusing. Needless to say, he kept peeing his pants and we kept doing laundry.


I can relate to how much mental effort one has to put into learning to identify the urge to pee by thinking back to my post-surgery experience (only... they inserted a catheter in me as opposed to wrapping a diaper on). The catheter was removed when I could move my legs, but that doesn't always mean my bladder was fully awake yet. I remember having to recall what it feels like to "have to pee". I'd keep track of the time and go sit on the toilet 'just to try'. To me, it was something I already knew and just needed a bit of time and effort to get it back. To Kai, it's a brand new awareness he has to develop and gain control over certain muscles.

And then... It was as if someone flipped a switch in his brain, and Kai announced, "I have to pee." one evening before dinner. With his father's help, he did it in his potty. Then again after dinner. Again right before bed. In fact, that time before bed, he went ingot the bathroom all by himself, took off his diaper and did it!! He told Bill afterwards because he needed him to clean the potty. I was so proud... and a bit sad at the same time. My baby boy is only a baby boy in my heart from now on.

I won't miss changing diapers, but I know I'll miss being needed (Mmmm... I'll get back to you on that).

What is happening alongside potty training is Kai's 3-year-old boy potty mouth. He attaches "poo poo" to everything now and thinks it's hilarious. Replace it with "shit" and you'd think we live in a frat house! From what I can gather, the big boys at school, aka the 4- and 5- year-olds, are saying these things, so obviously it's the coolest thing on earth and Kai has to do the same. The teachers basically approach it the same way we already do at home. We tell him it's not a nice way to say things and try our best not to laugh even if occasionally (and only occasionally) it is pretty funny.

Ah~ just think! We get to go theough ALL this AGAIN when Wei reaches this point, and from what we can see about her temperment, we'd better be prepared 'cause this girl is way more fierce than her brother. Yay! How fun..... not!

Thank goodness we only have two kids.


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